Exploring variable importance

November 22 2019
Exploring variable importance

While examining feature importance is most commonly thought of as something to do after building a machine learning model, it can and should also be done before performing any serious data analysis, as both a sanity check and a time saver.

Seeing which input features are the most predictive of the target feature can reveal potential problems with the dataset and/or the need to add more features to the dataset. Ultimately, narrowing down the entire feature space to a core set of variables that are the most predictive of the target variable is key to building successful data models.

Here you will find a collection of model-independent and dependent approaches for exploring the “informativeness” of variables in a dataset.

Unsupervised model-agnostic approaches

## Import libraries
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Welcome! Related Books: `Practical Guide To Cluster Analysis in R` at https://goo.gl/13EFCZ
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loading required package: arules
## Attaching package: 'arules'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     recode
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     abbreviate, write
## Loading required package: discretization
## Loading required package: glmnet
## Loaded glmnet 3.0
## Discretize "Tenure" with respect to "Churn"/"No Churn"
df$Binned_Tenure <- discretizeDF.supervised(Churn ~ .,
                                            df[, c('Tenure', 'Churn')],
                                            method = 'mdlp')$Tenure

## MCA, with "Churn" set as the supplementary variable
res.mca <- MCA(df,
               quanti.sup = c(5, 18, 19),
               quali.sup = c(20))

## Plot relationship between levels of categorical variables obtained from MCA
fviz_mca_var(res.mca, col.var = "cos2") 

## Import libraries

## Split up continuous and categorical varibles
split <- splitmix(df)

X1 <- split$X.quanti 

X2 <- split$X.quali

## Hierarchical clustering
tree <- hclustvar(X.quanti = X1, X.quali = X2)

## Evaluate the stability of each partition
x <- stability(tree, B=5) ## 5 bootstrap samples

Plot the hierarchically clustered variables in a dendrogram:

par(mar = c(3, 4, 3, 8))

dend <- tree %>% as.dendrogram %>% hang.dendrogram

dend %>% color_branches(k=5) %>% color_labels(k=5) %>% plot(horiz=TRUE)

Supervised model-agnostic approaches


We have met the autoEDA package previously, as a tool for automated exploratory data analysis. In addition to making generating exploratory visualizations a breeze, it has a very cool predictivePower() function that calculates the “predictive power” of each input feature with respect to an outcome feature of your choice, which is quantified by correlation when the outcome feature is continuous and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance when it is categorical.

Note, the author of the package has warned that the estimation of feature predictive power is sensitive to how the data is prepared. Therefore, like all other tasks in data science, it is very advisable to put the same dataset through different analysis methods and see how the results match up.

Let’s give it a try for our outcome of interest, customer churn:

Feature PredictivePowerPercentage PredictivePower
Contract 46 Medium
Tenure 36 Medium
Binned_Tenure 36 Medium
MonthlyCharges 25 Low
PaymentMethod 24 Low
TotalCharges 22 Low
InternetService 21 Low
PaperlessBilling 21 Low
OnlineSecurity 18 Low
Partner 17 Low
Dependents 17 Low
TechSupport 17 Low
SeniorCitizen 13 Low
OnlineBackup 9 Low
DeviceProtection 7 Low
StreamingTV 7 Low
StreamingMovies 7 Low
MultipleLines 4 Low
Gender 1 Low
PhoneService 1 Low


## Import libraries

## Calculate similarity between each variable and Churn
i <- 1

score_list = list()

for (c in colnames(within(df, rm("Churn")))){
  score_list[[i]] <- mixedVarSim(df[[c]], df$Churn)
  i <- i + 1

## Concatenate the two lists to a dataframe
score_df <- do.call(rbind, 
                        Var=as.list(colnames(within(df, rm("Churn")))), 

## Import library

## Calulate variable importance
fM_imp <- var_rank_info(df, "Churn")

## Scorecard
sc_iv <- iv(df, y="Churn")

colnames(sc_iv) <- c('var', 'info_value')

## Combine the two 
combine_df <- left_join(fM_imp, sc_iv, by = "var") 

## Min-max scale result of each package, so they are comparable
normalize <- function(x) {
    return ((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))

dfNorm <- as.data.frame(lapply(combine_df[, 2:6], normalize))

x <- cbind(combine_df$var, dfNorm)

rownames(x) <- x[, 1]

x <- x[, 2:6]

colnames(x) <- c('Entropy', 'Mutual information', 'Information gain', 'Gain ratio', 'Information value')

## Make balloon plot
ggballoonplot(x, fill = "value", size.range = c(1, 7)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "C")

Model-dependent approaches

## Loading required package: ranger

boruta <- Boruta(Churn~., data=df, doTrace=0)

kable(boruta$ImpHistory)  %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))
Gender SeniorCitizen Partner Dependents Tenure PhoneService MultipleLines InternetService OnlineSecurity OnlineBackup DeviceProtection TechSupport StreamingTV StreamingMovies Contract PaperlessBilling PaymentMethod MonthlyCharges TotalCharges shadowMax shadowMean shadowMin
0.1356936 11.445128 3.809561 5.695892 42.16776 4.336411 7.258039 27.78640 18.79429 9.808921 12.178180 19.16411 9.876858 11.481957 43.20538 9.897038 11.35855 32.98180 35.92263 2.857294 0.0303948 -2.304786
-0.0402413 11.030769 5.085756 5.890952 42.84863 5.164849 6.732929 27.98407 18.39544 10.475808 9.020434 17.05949 11.626636 11.498145 41.86202 11.925629 12.39496 34.14153 34.88156 1.444568 -0.2671151 -4.125890
-0.0259858 11.768550 3.711172 5.682888 44.08623 5.387057 6.856358 28.68633 17.75918 10.172381 11.187578 16.89430 11.897434 12.259004 43.87689 10.479638 12.37823 33.67295 36.55203 1.969644 0.2433086 -2.357704
-0.7747869 8.367250 7.020584 5.037047 41.64053 3.126726 8.108658 27.83533 17.75716 12.275353 10.758749 16.28029 9.353090 11.651878 40.96605 10.329537 10.34502 35.49940 36.76387 1.550604 -0.1329682 -3.765066
0.1044963 11.064880 5.179288 6.419857 43.29015 3.756288 7.482023 29.50315 16.62142 10.251592 11.022635 18.22732 11.157475 11.065602 41.58393 11.292338 11.24278 34.23869 36.86663 2.809089 0.2731351 -2.160476
-0.3291886 9.283133 4.043369 2.951300 41.16744 4.663319 9.117128 27.38804 18.66747 10.395198 10.441834 18.18472 11.087163 10.175477 43.50909 11.028153 10.77145 37.96813 36.70303 3.016841 0.6012491 -2.023635
1.6016141 11.377006 4.493496 4.851501 43.50342 2.279622 9.388070 28.69641 17.23874 10.550455 9.812307 16.63531 10.587342 10.337582 42.80841 11.580611 13.82565 34.83401 37.33883 3.304929 0.1350296 -3.644524
-1.9833526 10.588582 4.053792 5.616524 41.39554 4.470852 8.973348 29.45276 17.14044 10.521982 9.969879 16.90613 11.149776 10.755274 41.07355 10.421386 10.91403 34.63494 37.19351 2.337012 0.3844707 -3.390337
0.4089996 12.749351 3.160562 3.236891 43.08461 6.145945 8.509750 29.24886 15.97429 11.513107 9.912314 16.37133 10.269893 9.947096 43.14908 9.784528 11.46805 35.40394 36.22696 3.276767 -0.1623191 -2.623780
0.1548490 10.148420 3.728750 3.529062 43.04334 5.199150 7.917032 29.10187 20.03492 12.864714 9.585355 15.79663 9.366043 8.684432 41.25331 10.396281 12.49702 35.30919 38.25095 1.983142 0.2618099 -1.245741
-2.1084201 11.949892 3.260423 4.223116 43.44643 2.497987 10.259971 26.85989 17.33358 10.067193 9.808401 18.70230 10.716907 11.021818 40.37838 11.896557 12.62720 33.14540 38.71916 2.467228 0.0343937 -2.946434
-Inf 9.180634 4.363038 5.395308 44.03111 5.356118 9.724825 30.74367 19.59800 11.438992 10.900286 17.79593 11.673326 9.061115 44.97793 12.510901 14.48827 35.34330 38.55780 2.775809 0.3261479 -1.999441
-Inf 10.041568 2.165427 2.701832 44.31531 4.671867 8.599824 27.80714 18.32608 11.049520 8.939225 16.07197 11.232623 11.344527 43.93037 10.375393 12.26345 33.97118 36.26994 1.931157 0.0329752 -2.035081
-Inf 11.639190 4.834238 5.836192 41.95306 6.020835 8.827196 27.85897 18.69084 11.592711 9.927759 18.61056 9.675507 11.234843 42.08601 12.363494 10.66494 34.71949 36.70988 3.382837 -0.1050904 -2.677616
-Inf 10.227206 5.926294 4.677897 41.91494 3.194645 8.727515 29.83875 19.78845 10.849001 9.831286 17.02572 11.333985 11.593612 42.81615 9.509118 11.54749 35.98680 36.21868 2.959059 -0.2810412 -2.290092
-Inf 10.086779 5.904646 4.829387 43.79991 3.202237 9.072997 27.47360 18.56422 8.126669 9.020453 17.75415 11.014845 10.548466 43.37546 10.841772 11.75929 35.52433 37.49800 3.422602 0.3428991 -2.707708
-Inf 9.177680 4.573067 4.991486 45.96927 4.229134 8.713716 28.71831 17.83862 10.026637 10.069013 16.78743 11.501990 11.143915 42.74678 10.417723 12.73232 35.83626 37.71385 1.969737 0.1153363 -3.085783
-Inf 9.365604 4.352948 3.166828 42.98059 5.488087 7.624188 26.48458 18.84666 12.576935 9.678820 15.74183 11.928859 12.342695 43.58864 10.227816 12.66173 37.48989 39.18548 2.166790 0.0480508 -1.838376
-Inf 11.068530 6.220184 5.258431 44.24030 6.539318 10.427192 28.58650 19.88253 10.447289 8.898954 15.58969 10.322936 10.083186 43.41685 10.599833 11.96873 33.03099 35.53740 2.155777 -0.2940855 -2.182421
plot(boruta, las = 2, cex.axis = 0.7, xlab=NULL)